Olivia Penalva – You Love It

“The creative artist Olivia Penalva strikes straight to the target with her fresh single. Music with personal signature and intense emotional shifts that quickly attracts attention. Olivia's advanced vocal abilities also reveal a character with sensitivity in sound. Well done!”


Continuing to prove why she's Canada's latest rising pop sensation, artist Olivia Penalva returns with the announcement of her new single "You Love It." It is the second single from her forthcoming EP.

The track comes on the heels of the release of her last singles "Judge Away" & "Ex's" as well as her Western Canadian Music Award (WCMA) nominations for Pop Artist of the Year and Breakout Artist of the Year in 2021. Drawing inspiration from the power icons of pop, Olivia Penalva graces the sound waves with her diligent writing and tenacious vocals. With a range of sonic styles, the singer-songwriter moves from lovely ballads to angsty electronic anthems. Thoughtfully employing music to navigate the trials and tribulations of self-discovery, Olivia has nurtured personal growth amidst her professional challenges and realities.

QUOTE FROM OLIVIA ON TRACK: “I think it’s really easy to be hard on ourselves. And in doing that, we tend to forget that other people are capable of loving the parts of ourselves that we hate the most. We convince ourselves that it’s not possible and that we aren’t good enough. But there is someone out there for everyone and hopefully that person can show you just how wonderful you really are.”


Reviewed by Nagamag on July 16, 2022