Project One – Pick-nik

“Gather with the company of good friends, spread the fire, get the guitar and feel how the light breeze is blowing in the back, and a high grass shake on the skyline. A good example of an ideal rock composition in which the vocals play a key leading role. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Соберитесь с компанией добрых друзей, разведите костёр, достаньте гитары и почувствуйте, как в спину дует лёгкий ветерок, а на алом горизонте покачивается высокая трава. Хороший пример идеальной рок композиции, в которой вокал играет ключевую, ведущую роль.”

Project One is a band from Hightstown, NJ which plays an electric mix of original compositions with style, personality, and edge. Their hard driving music encompasses Rock, Blues, Progressive Rock, Country, Metal and more. The band is composed of Scott Belgard (guitars), John Epstein (guitars), John Ferrigno (drums). John Kelly (vocals), Art Stephano (bass).

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 18, 2022