Skinny Dippers – Wedding Ring (Spotify)

“Melodic and soft vocals mixed with relaxing and warm sound, causing an exceptional romantic mood. Emotional ballad of Indie Folk & Dream Pop, able to decorate your evening with its light melancholy.”

“Мелодичный вокал создающий очень мягкое, расслабленное и тёплое звучание, вызывающее исключительное романтическое настроение. Это спокойная, эмоциональная баллада в жанрах indie folk & dream pop, способная украсить ваш вечер своей лёгкой меланхолией.”

Wedding Ring is a song that starts out celebrating the optimism of new love, but quickly shifts to tell the story of a protagonist whose hopes for meaningful connection are dashed upon discovering that his new love interest in married.

This track will be the second single off of Skinny Dippers' debut album The Town & The City. For the album singer/songwriter Ryan Gross recruited neighbors and Spotify Fresh Finds featured artist TOLEDO to join as members of the band and producers for the record.

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 28, 2022