Topium feat. Djenmbi u0026 Klod Kiavué – Bo bay lanmen (Video)

“As soon as you turn on the track Bo bay lanmen you will immediately hear the full beauty of jazz, which introducing two musicians Jérôme Dupuis-Cloutier and Jonathan Gagné. Their joint project Topium – it is pure improvisation, which will reveal to you the worlds of their soundscapes and hypnotic rhythm.”

“Как только вы включите трек Bo bay lanmen вы сразу же услышите всю красоту джаза, с которым нас знакомят два музыканта и исполнителя Jérôme Dupuis-Cloutier и Jonathan Gagné. Их совместный проект Topium – это чистая импровизация, которая раскроет перед вами миры их звуковых ландшафтов и гипнотического ритма.”

Bo Bay Lanmen, which means “lend a hand,” and its accompanying music video, was made in collaboration with GEG/MusjoMusicRecords and produced by Guadeloupe’s Akadanfilm company, revealing the fruitful and authentic creative process experienced through Gwo Ka traditions and culture. This exceptional artistic alliance between Guadeloupean Creole and canadians musicians led to the creation of the new and exciting rhythms of Electro-Ka.

Topium emerged in 2016, from the meeting between multi-instrumentalist, Jérôme Dupuis-Cloutier, and drummer-programmer, Jonathan Gagné. Together the duo explores and blends house with various elements of jazz. Since its inception, the group has had several releases that include music videos. Their music has found captive audiences in many festivals worldwide, including on the island of Réunion, in Cape Verde, Mexico, and Tokyo.

Jacques-Marie Basses (aka Djenmbi) is an accomplished and innovative singer-songwriter and keyboardist. He has earned the title of “Gwo Ka Keyboard Master”. Klod Kiavué is a well-known Gwo Ka percussionist who has performed all over the world, most notably with the American saxophonist and jazzman, David Murray. Basses and Kiavué are among Guadeloupe’s finest in the Gwo Ka music scene.

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 17, 2021