Weston T Hine – Thinking Of You

“Do you know the feeling when the singer's voice pierces you like a sip of mulled red wine? Such is the quality of the vocals of "Weston T Hine", which in combination with a folk melody and the measured rhythm completely captivate you.”

“Вам знакомо чувство, когда голос исполнителя просачивается внутрь вас словно глоток тёплого, красного вина? Вокал -Weston T Hine- обладает именно такой способностью, а в сочетании с мелодией фолка и размеренным ритмом полностью овладевает вами.”


"Thinking Of You" is the third single from recording artist Weston Hine. Written with a prior guitar student of Hine's the song revolves around nostalgia and the sense of longing that comes with remembering earlier times. "Thinking Of You" was recorded at La Crypt Studios in Nashville, TN.


Reviewed by Nagamag on March 11, 2022