Allen’s Hand – Pina Colada

“The taste of Pina Colada on the lips, a pleasant aroma of coconut milk and a light shade of pineapple juice. Instantly in the subconscious, memories of pleasant, warm evenings that you met and escorted in the sun dissolving on the horizon go out into the sunset. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Вкус Pina Colada на губах, приятный аромат кокосового молока и лёгкий оттенок ананасового сока. Мгновенно в подсознании всплывают воспоминания о приятных, тёплых вечерах, котороые вы встречали и провожали в растворяющихся на горизонте лучах солнца уходящего в закат.”

Today, Athenian progressive alternative rock band Allen’s Hand showcase their softer side with the release of the group’s latest single, “Piña Colada.” the latest in a series of singles scheduled for release throughout 2022. This marks the band’s fifth single release of 2022, each written and recorded in devout service to the one true Chicken King.

“We wanted to see what would happen if we made a simple song that was as straightforward as possible,” explains frontman Hennis. “We obviously want to challenge ourselves, but we also want to appeal to as wide an audience as possible, so we did our version of something you might hear from Bon Iver or Taylor Swift, even though it’s the furthest thing from that.”

The story of “Piña Colada” and its accompanying video is one of heartbreak. It’s a love story between a chicken and a girl that feels as old as time. They meet by chance and fall in love, but then life gets in the way and the pair split. The chicken tries to win his former lover back, but by the time he does she’s already moved on, so he turns to art instead.

The sight of a chicken in the videos Allen’s Hand creates may be shocking at first glance, but it’s all part of the band’s effort to serve The Chicken King. “It started as something we did once for fun,” explains Hennis, referring to the band’s efforts to appease the supernatural deity. “But then we rebranded our band and restarted the entire project again as a cult boy-band that exists in the shadows. Not showing who we are, it all becomes about the music, which is awesome. The source of all our inspiration is our collective worship of The Chicken King, a supreme being that flows through and encompasses all living things. It’s a weird and strange thing that nobody other than us understands, but that’s what makes it fun.”

“Piña Colada” is the latest release in a year-long project from Allen’s Hand. “Instead of focusing on releasing an album or EP,” Hennis tell us, “we want to make the most out of every song. We’re planning a total release of six songs by summer, and this makes the fifth. Each one has a video featuring a different chicken’s story, and the same will be true for the sixth. Then in the fall, we will begin releasing the next round of songs.”

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 18, 2022