Esor Rose – Circular Motion

“Esor Rose’s voice has something different in it. A unique timbre, as if from another world. This is classic R&B, in which you will find passion, stormy emotions and romance. Immerse yourself in the vortex of “Circular Motion” and feel bliss.”

“В голосе -Esor Rose- есть нечто иное, у него уникальный тембр, будто автор с другой планеты. Это классический R&B, в котором вы услышите страсть, бурные эмоции и романтику, они так и манят в свои сети. Утоните в водовороте чувств и почувствуйте блаженство!”

Circular Motion is written and performed by Josh Berkeley and Esor Rose. Released on Valentines Day the song reflects on love, lust… and being in your feelings. Featuring terrific solos from Tristan Scott Sayah on guitar and Nate Sears on bass, the song is a perfect mix of Soul and RnB with just a hint of Rock.

Reviewed by Nagamag on March 23, 2022