Geordie Kieffer – ICON KILLER (Spotify)

“The new track by Californian producer and songwriter Geordie Kieffer has done everything necessary for our feet to beat the rhythm, and the lyrics and the author's style of performance will remain a loud echo in our heads for a very long time.”

“Новый трек калифорнийского продюсера и автора своих песен Geordie Kieffer сделал всё необходимое для того, чтобы наши ноги стали отбивать ритм, а текст и авторская манера исполнения останутся громким эхом в наших головах ещё очень продолжительное время.”

Released this week, the single has a slick pulsing beat with contrasting whispering and robotic vocals that tease the listener.

With 10.5K TikTok videos using his debut single “Red Line” Geordie Kieffer is just getting started. With a darkly comedic style that is unapologetically honest, he is pushing boundaries with every release.

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 10, 2021