Jayani – Cobblestone (Video)

“Feel the harmony of a tired city leaving into the sunset. Only you, the disappearing ball of the incandescent sun and Cobblestone music in your headphones. You have never been as calm as you are now. Only you. Only music.”

“Почувствуете гармонию уходящего в закат уставшего города. Только вы, исчезающий шар раскалённого солнца и музыка Cobblestone в ваших наушниках. Вы ещё никогда небыли так спокойны, как сейчас. Только вы. Только музыка.”


“Cobblestone” is an intimate narrative that shines a light on the heart of a wanderlust traveller. Smooth guitar welcomes you into an immersive dream-like soundscape, melting the floor as a valley of floating synths elevate around a soft, reminiscent pop vocal. Ephemeral sound-clips illustrate the scene and bring the story to life atop warm wooden percussion and a wavy, calming tempest of ~vibey~ bass. Max explains the inspiration behind the track:

I wrote “Cobblestone” in response to a summer of frantic travels following life at boarding school. It’s a melancholic, step-by-step retelling of my experience realizing something important. I used to believe that if only I could escape from the pressures and scrutiny of society – to post up somewhere in the middle of a forest – I’d finally feel free and happy. I mean, I’d still love to try that one day. But what I realized was… I expected peace of mind and a weight lifted from my soul from going solo. Instead, I found I missed my people even more. <3jayanimusic.com/

Reviewed by Nagamag on January 19, 2021