JU+DY – 1,2,3,4

“This music has a lot of air and space, as if you entered a thick forest and inhaling fresh air with full chest - you enjoy the singing of birds. Warm, like summer, sea breeze Indie Rock with elegant and sophisticated vocals.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“В этой музыке очень много воздуха и пространства, словно ты вошёл в густой лес и вдыхая свежий воздух полной грудью — наслаждаешься пением птиц. Тёплый, как летний, морской бриз Indie Rock с элегантным и утончённым вокалом.”


"1,2,3,4" is our first single as a new band, blending influences including Korean folk/rock and pop, American indie rock, and midwest Americana towards a sound that - like our band itself - represents where we're from and where we're going through sound.

Reviewed by Nagamag on July 19, 2022