KØLEEN – Where Are You (Video)

“The vocal transformation over the entire track can amaze you with its scale. Starting warm and affectionate in its lyrics, it changes beyond recognition in the chorus. Powerful track with no rules in sound.”

“Трансформация вокала на протяжение всего трека поражает своим масштабом. Тёплый и ласковый в куплете, он преображается в припеве до неузнаваемости, разрывая все мыслимые и немыслимые шаблоны. Мощный трек, с невероятной энергетикой!”



The Song describes the feeling of loosing someone you loved. It`s a powerful and energetic indie pop song with cinematic vibes. When the rhythm guitars and the beat come in, you might catch yourself singing and dancing along the song.


KØLEEN, born in 1994, is an Indie Pop singer and one of only 2,5% of female foresters in Austria. Her songs are about love, pain, loss, and fragility among other things and every single one has her whole heart in it.

She has a lightness to her voice that makes even the saddest songs beautiful and comforting. When the rhythm guitars and the beat come in, you might catch yourself singing and dancing along to her songs.

The singer-songwriter has already had over 400k streams on Spotify, several radio plays in Austria (Kronehit, Antenne Steiermark, JÖ Live), several TV appearances (ORF) & a constantly growing number of followers on her social media platforms. www.koleenmusic.com

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 27, 2022