L_OST – Mellow

“The leisurely dance of the seven -string guitar and the piano, which perfectly perform their work - soothe and inspire pleasant memories. Song for friends, a song about friendship, a song about love.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Неспешный танец семиструнной гитары и пиано, которые прекрасно выполняют свою работу - успокаивают и навевают приятные воспоминания. Песня для друзей, песня о дружбе, песня о любви.”


“Mellow – Απαλά” is a statement of love for the Greek Roots of L_OST and for his dear childhood friend Pavlos Chatzisavvas. Inspired by the collaborative Album of Frank Sinatra and Antonio Carlos Jobim, the idea was to write a song that is understandable in English as much as it is in Greek. So that if a person only speaks one of the two languages, they will still understand the entire story, but if one happens to know both, they get a more detailed version. What started as a simple idea evolved into a melting point between two cultures, which very much resembles the everyday life of L_OST. A simple and direct bossa nova love story between two dear friends.

This is the third song of a three-song Single called “Loving”, which depicts a journey of a young man in the midst of love and confusion, trying to reconnect with his Greek roots.


Reviewed by Nagamag on August 18, 2022