Marion Doncoeur – Violence

“Such music is forever remain in memory. The originality of the approach to the construction of the arrangement structure, blurred, as if from another universe vocals -marion doncoeur-, experimental, some bold trip-hop rhythms and the overall depressing atmosphere of melancholy. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Подобная музыка навсегда остаётся в памяти. Неординарность подхода к построению структуры аранжировки, размытый, словно из другой вселенной вокал -Marion Doncoeur-, экспериментальные, немного дерзкие ритмы Trip-Hop и общая угнетающая атмосфера меланхолии.”

Artist said about this song:

"I wrote this song in Bretagne (France), in a house in front of the Ocean.

It was very cold, and the words came to me. I discovered them one by one and I understood that I needed to express it like that, in a very raw and energetic way.

This song is a cry from the heart of a woman who has been told too many lies, who has been told to shut up. It uproots the illusion that not saying things as they are is being at peace. She takes the power of the words and dares to speak, to express. She uproots violence with her honesty. She is powerful and she is not afraid of it anymore. It’s a vibration that runs through me and in this specific song, and that I’m happy to share with you."

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 17, 2022