Martin Sternhufvud – Feel Alright (Spotify)

“Music that brings warm hope in the minds of its listeners, inspiring everyone who is not indifferent to rock sound. Selected lyrics, beautiful and rich melody and soulful vocals from Martin Sternhufvud.”

“Музыка, которая вселяет тёплую надежду в умы слушателей, окрыляя и воодушевляя всех, кто неравнодушен к рок-музыке. Прекрасная лирика, красивая и богатая мелодия и душевный вокал -Martin Sternhufvud-!”

Martin Sternhufvud continues his journey. This soft rocker has all that you want from a positive, medium tempo song - a great riff from the piano, the telecaster that strums all the song through, and great backing vocals. The fact that the song is produced by Billboard #1 song writer Mats MP Persson, ensures highest level of quality.

Reviewed by Nagamag on March 8, 2022