Reno Cruz – Barnacles!

-Automatic Translation with Google Translate-
Imagine that you were dipped with your head into transparent waters of crystal lakes. It is felt that - -Reno Cruz - know how to pick up the key to the hearts of his listeners. Unique style in Indie Folk genre and balanced sound. Practically uncontrolled energy flow!”

“Представьте, что вас окунули с головой в прозрачные воды кристальных озёр. Чувствуется, что -Reno Cruz- знает, как подобрать ключ к сердцам своих слушателей. Неповторимый стиль в жанре Indie Folk и сбалансированное звучание. Практически неконтролируемый энергетический поток!”

”Barnacles!” tells a story of dysfunctional connection, alluding to the truths that remain unsaid between people, even in our most intimate relationships. To be right next to someone, and never say what you want to. That’s the feeling

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 8, 2022