Running Violet – WNL (Who Needs Love)

“Everyone needs love and music, because this is the only thing in this world that can ignite the extinct fire in the soul and fill the empty vessels of love. The Indie Pop rhythm is a pleasant and very positive melody and atmosphere of complete idyll. There, behind the bend, she awaits you - love!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Всем нужна любовь и музыка, ведь это единственное в этом мире, что способно разжечь потухший огонь в душе и наполнить пустые сосуды любви. Ритм Indie Pop, приятная и очень позитивная мелодия и атмосфера полной идиллии. Там, за поворотом вас ждёт она — любовь!”

Running Violet is an eclectic collaboration of musicians. What started as an online ad for musical companionships resulted in hip shaking, tear-jerking, raging songs that soon occupied some of Toronto’s best live music venues and underground parties.

Their explosive new offering, “WNL (Who Needs Love),” takes an uplifting, hopeful look at growing up and the consequential traumas that shaped our futures. It features a punchy guitar solo by their guitarist Petr Balaz who fully produced, mixed and mastered the colourful tune about self-discovery.

Running Violet initially had its roots planted firmly in old school Rock & Roll with guitar licks, tones and solos ricocheting from ear to foot. Now, they incorporate sounds of the modern era while still holding on tightly to the styles that shaped them.

Reviewed by Nagamag on September 15, 2022