Sam Sasso – Wash My Hands
“Acoustic melody and vocals -sam sasso- act as a real relaxor. The track is filled to the edges of an interesting and melodic guitar party, which instantly settles in your subconscious. There is nothing superfluous, only the author’s soul open, like a gate. Welcome to Paradise! (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)”
“Акустическая мелодия и вокал -Sam Sasso- действуют как настоящий релаксатор. Трек наполнен до краёв интересной и мелодичной гитарной партией, которая мгновенно оседает в вашем подсознании. Здесь ничего лишнего, только открытая, словно врата, душа автора. Добро пожаловать в рай!”
Every human has been touched by the events of the last 2 years, the duality of the universality experienced events and the specific personal aspects of these turbulent times is refracted in “Wash My Hands” by Sam Sasso; a call for us all to look inside and find the generosity and kindness required to move everyone forward.
Reviewed by Nagamag on May 19, 2022