Ted Regklis – Apodimos

“Atmospheric, neoclassical composition that can fill all your consciousness with its hypnotic sound. The melody forms beautiful landscapes in the soul and adds a product of mystery, resembling a gust of fresh wind, which raises the dust of roads, makes noise between the branch of trees and disperses the lazily floating clouds in the sky. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Атмосферная, неоклассическая композиция, способная заполнить всё ваше сознание своим гипнотическим звучанием. Мелодия формирует в душе красивые пейзажи и добавляет произведению таинственности, напоминая порыв свежего ветра, который поднимает пыль дорог, шумит между ветвь деревьев и разгоняет в небе лениво плывущие облака.”


This is a piece, part of a series of music pieces, aiming in exploring a more direct and unfiltered way of composing music.

Four elements interact with each other, in a free-form creative process where a piece of footage, a text phrase, moments from everyday life, or world events are allowed to interact with each other and trigger the creation of a piece of music in no specific order. The role of the artist is just to be available and willing to observe and translate this process into a piece of music.

This particular piece is an experiment around the antithesis of the concepts of elevation and fall and how the two coexist during moments of exploration. Apodimos is a Greek word and means the one who leave far from home.


Reviewed by Nagamag on May 18, 2022