Tom Petrone – That Kind of Summer (Spotify)

“Each of us has his own Summer time, but the music reaching your soul warms stronger than the blazing Sun. The vocals of -Tom Petrone- together with Jazz acoustics, equally fill the space around you, inspiring your hearts.”

“Лето у каждого своё, но музыка, которая играет в вашей душе, согревает сильнее пылающего солнца. Вокал -Tom Petrone- вместе с джазовой акустикой равноправно заполняют музыкальное пространство, обогащая вас, вдохновляя и наполняя светом ваши сердца.”

Welcome Summer

The steel gray clouds and unforgiving winter winds that whipped across the barren landscape have fallen silent, giving way to the resplendence of temperate, gentle breezes and sun soaked beds of rainbow flowers. The birds have roused us gently from our chilly slumber, and we have responded in kind, emerging from our captivity with a renewed sense of hope and happiness. We are reborn, once more, to this celebration of life, our spirits buoyed by the warmer weather, the alluring call of the ocean waves and the irresistible promise that this is going to be “that kind of summer.”

Tom Petrone, the uber talented jazz artist who made quite a splash earlier this year with the release of his much heralded hit “Fly Again,” builds on his blossoming reputation as one of the most talented jazz vocalists today as he captures the breathless anticipation of sweet summer with his latest song, “That Kind of Summer.” The celebratory ballad, which has already garnered rave reviews, conjures for listeners in hypnotic fashion all the sights, sounds and smells that make summer by the shore the most wondrous part of the best season of the year.

Petrone’s latest act of creative brilliance features his signature silky vocals that once again play seamlessly off musical arrangements that are both blissful and evocative. The song is in part a homage to the water’s salubrious, life-giving force as well as a classic love song that traces the ocean’s role in opening up one human heart to another. Petrone’s classic sound offers his fans quite a moving listening experience.

And that experience is one that is purely soulful, almost religious.

Petrone sings “the waves whisper to me, salty breath pulls me near” and listeners are captivated instantly, transported to some sleepy shoreline as the briny surf washes across their feet and onto the sand. It is here, where the inspirational power of the sea emerges unexpectedly. “The sand and the surf that appeared just the same, are now touching my heart and calling your name.”

Let the worshipping begin.

“Growing up on Long Island, I spent a lot of time, especially during the summer, down by the ocean,” Petrone mused. “There was just something magical about it. You know? Everything that is wonderful and memorable about summer begins and ends with the beach. I guess you could say that the song is my tribute to summer by the shore and the love and romance it can inspire.”

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 13, 2022