Tortusa, Svein Rikard Mathisen – Gå Nå (Spotify)

“The world around you fades like a watercolor on canvas when you are immersed in -Bre- album. The track -Ga Na- affects the listener's subconscious, hides its own warm sound waves and picks up his looking glass forever.”

“И мир вокруг вас замирает, словно акварель на холсте, когда вы погружаетесь в альбом -Bre-. Трек -Ga Na- воздействует на подсознание слушателя, укрывает его своими тёплыми звуковыми волнами и навсегда забирает в своё зазеркалье. ”

Ambient atmospheric song from my soloalbum out today. My music is downtempo, relaxing, electronic and acoustic. The album features musicians Arve Henriksen, Eivind Aarset, Erland Dahlen, Svein Rikard Mathisen, and more

Tortusa is a Norwegian ambient experimental producer. He frequently performs live in Norway, Germany and England. And has released 3 albums on Jazzland Recordings, one that was nominated for the Norwegian Grammy Award. Website:

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 1, 2021