Wide Waters – Tundra (Spotify)

Wide Waters – Tundra

Wide Waters – Tundra (Spotify)

Neo-Classical/Ambient Soundscape that takes the listener on a journey of self-exploration and meditation. Cinematic ambient soundscapes that echo with nature, leading a journey of self-exploration colliding and intertwining with technology. Intense, at times ethereal, with adaptive emotional content immersing the listener in an emotive journey to discovering ourselves.
The band is Justin Krass – Piano, Sam Stauff – Guitar, Phil Anthony – Bass and John Venezia – Drums. And, is an evolution stemming from Justin and Sam making music with Wess Meets West and steering away from post-rock towards ambient, subdued new-wave classical music, exploring textures in a minimalistic soundscape incorporating moments of rock and opera.

Reviewed by Nagamag on March 3, 2020