Zulya – Urazai (Video)

“If such a phrase is appropriate as incredible beauty, then it fits perfectly into the review of this work. Music that emerged from the unknown depths of the human subconscious, owning an amazing variety of sound colours, shapes and patterns!”

“Если будет уместно такое словосочетание, как Невероятная Красота, то она идеально вписывается в определение этого произведения. Музыка, которая пришла из самых недр человеческого подсознания, поражая и удивляя разнообразием звуковых оттенков, тональностей и работой с вокалом!”


Zulya Kamalova presented the first single – «Уразай» (“Urazai”) – from the upcoming album based on her father’s poems.

At the beginning of the year, Zulya announced the launch of a new project – the album “Әти җыры” («Father’s songs»), which she writes based on the poems of her father Nazip Kamalov, with the participation of musicians from all over the world.

Zulya: “For the last 2 years, Australia has been practically isolated from the world. And at the end of last year, my father, who lives in Tatarstan, suffered a stroke and, while undergoing treatment, became infected with Covid-19. I wanted to come, but it was impossible. Fortunately, he pulled through, but these events filled me with a sense of urgency, a desire to reconnect with my family. I came up with the idea to write an album of songs based on his poems.”

Today, on the eve of Nazip Kamalov’s birthday, the first single was released — «Уразай» («Urazai»),where you can hear the favorite one of Tatar music lovers – Mubai, virtuoso accordion player Aidar Gainullin, young mother Zarina Vildanova, Australian guitarist Dan Taffy, father of Tatar rock Deniz Badretdin, musician, journalist and social activist Radif Kashapov. The composition was produced by French-Dutch sound producer and musical instrument designer Michiel Hollanders.

Zulya: “Urazai is the name of the village where my dad was born. It’s a beautiful place. He wrote a poem about him, and I turned it into a song. My dad goes there every year, it’s only “100 km from Sarapul, where he lives now, but for him it’s quite a serious matter. I used to be able to visit Sarapul (the distance from Melbourne is 13400 km) at least once a year, and sometimes even twice a year. It was amazing for my aunts, who said that I come from Australia more often than they visit the villages.”

Yummy Music label and designer Yana Vakhitova also took part in the publication of the first single. “Urazai” is available on all music platforms.


Reviewed by Nagamag on February 20, 2022