Ann Gray – Grace

“All musical space is practically freed for the voice -ann Gray-. You will hear only the light background melody of the guitar and nothing more. Only crystal, angelic vocals and atmosphere of mental warmth. Perhaps this is exactly what you missed.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Всё музыкальное пространство практически освобождено для голоса -Ann Gray-. Вы услышите лишь лёгкую фоновую мелодию гитары и больше ничего. Только кристальный, ангельский вокал и атмосферу душевной теплоты. Возможно, это именно то, чего вам так не хватало.”

This song is written and sung in the point of view of Shakespeare's Ophelia from "Hamlet" and inspired by a previous single with her secondary project, Times New Roman, called "Ophelia."

Reviewed by Nagamag on September 7, 2022