Carlos Carty x Shakra Jewel – Karma (Radio Edit)

“Natural acoustic sounds and a measured vocal performance envelop every listener. Music that shows your path like a guiding star, music that comes straight from the heart, music that heals from any adversity and helps find yourself.”

“Мелодичная партия гитары и обволакивающий всё нутро размеренный вокал. Музыка — словно путеводная звезда определяет твой путь, музыка, которая исходит прямо из самого сердца, музыка — как способ излечиться от любых невзгод и найти себя.”

“Karma” is a sublime musical journey of the soul seeking love. The emotional notes of the flute dance through paradise and sounds from the natural world envelop the listener. The opening notes of the flute and the sound of rain spilling over sand yields to the storyteller’s voice transporting us into paradise

“As the sun rises to another day paradise not far away We embark on the journey to a land where spirits blossom in ancient sand In light of love, all four directions drawn to call forth the medicine wheel of life, Love, Create, Celebrate"

Reviewed by Nagamag on March 16, 2022