Catatron – Dreamcatcher
“This sweet and such delicate melody of Indie Folk can be compared with an ancient fairy tale, which for the night of many of us in childhood sang a cool wind outside the window. On the other side of sleep, we were afraid of gray wolves and monsters, but each time, falling asleep, fell into beautiful and kind dreams. The charming vocals of a no less charming story.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)
“Этом милую и такую нежную мелодию Indie Folk можно сравнить с древней сказкой, которую на ночь многим из нас в детстве пел прохладный ветер за окном. По ту сторону сна мы боялись серых волков и монстров, но каждый раз, засыпая, проваливались в прекрасные и добрые сновидения. Очаровательный вокал повествующий не менее очаровательную историю.”
Catatron is an alternative folk project by songwriter and singer Catherine Fanning.
Lone Wolf is an album with songs written and performed by Catherine, featuring instrumental tracks by her husband, guitarist R Badger Fanning.
Most songs on the album were written in a spare room over the span of 2 weeks and recorded in the producers Travis Warner’s living room and his studio in Hollywood over the course of 2 weeks. Mastered by Cassidy Turbin, Lone Wolf will be out on vinyl and digital in 2022.
The Cover art painting ‘Arms of the Wild' by Scottish artist Lucy Campbell.
Its first single ‘Dreamcatcher’ has been released on 15 June 2022.
Reviewed by Nagamag on July 6, 2022