EĐĐIE – Livia

“-Eddie connected the best receptions of Indie Pop with the old Rock School out of the 90s. Sharp guitar chords, memorable bright melody, very steep, dynamic rhythm and beautiful text that can awaken inside the brightest emotions. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“-EDDIE- соединил лучшие приёмы Indie Pop со старой школой Rock из 90-ых. Резкие гитарные аккорды, запоминающаяся яркая мелодия, очень крутой, динамичный ритм и красивый текст, способный пробудить внутри самые яркие эмоции.”


"Livia" is definitely the "go hard song" on this debut E.P. for me. It's a song about a girl named Livia, to whom I just can't get out of my head. The energy is high and I hope this tun puts you in an upbeat mood!


Reviewed by Nagamag on April 27, 2022