Ellie Byers – Role Play
“A single for everyone who likes pleasant R&B, in the halo of the night city atmosphere. It feels like "Ellie Byers" is calling you to play her game, in which dance and rhythm occupy all the space and you don't have time to notice how you were captured by her magic!”
“Всем, кому нравится приятный R&B, в ореоле ритма ночной, городской атмосферы. Чувствуется, как -Ellie Byers- зовёт вас сыграть в свою игру, в которой танец и ритм занимают всё пространство и вы не успеваете заметить, как оказались в плену её фантазий!”
Role Play is a very personal song for me. It's about pretending to be what you think your partner needs and wants, in an effort to keep a sinking relationship afloat. Even if that means sacrificing who you really are.
Reviewed by Nagamag on March 12, 2022