Francisco Sola – Easy Answer

“Great acoustic design in the folk genre, with a warm, mental vocal -francisco Sola-. Do not burn the hearts of those who love you, there is no way back. Love sincerely and disinterestedly, because you can’t return your feelings back. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Прекрасное акустическое оформление в жанре фолк, с тёплым, душевным вокалом -Francisco Sola-. Не сжигайте сердца тех, кто вас любит, назад пути нет. Любите искренне и бескорыстно, ведь чувства порой не вернуть назад.”

Easy Answer is a song about feeling like someone used you as a easy way out of a relationship. The type of situation that makes you feel like nothing that the other person said was ever true.

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 6, 2022