Rainezra – When You Realize

“The melody of Neo-Soul and Indie R&B, which begins calmly, measuredly, and then develops into an emotional storm, can make your heart be faster than the previous one. The enchanting vocals -rainezra- will be a discovery for you, it is too good. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Мелодия Neo-Soul и Indie R&B, которая начинается спокойно, размеренно, а затем перерастает в эмоциональную бурю, способна заставить забиться ваше сердце быстрее прежнего. Чарующий вокал -Rainezra- станет для вас открытием, уж слишком он хорош.”


"When You Realize" is a song with a double meaning. Its about realizing your own worth. It's about other people realizing your worth when it's too late and you've already moved on.


Reviewed by Nagamag on May 20, 2022