Silver Lining – Your Everything

“Immerse yourself in this song, try to delve into its lyrics and feel the melody. It invites you to swim and sway on the waves of a gentle musical accompaniment. The time for change will certainly come soon, like a warm wind rising above the green hills.”

“Погрузитесь в эту песню, постарайтесь вникнуть в текст и прочувствовать мелодию. Она призывает вас поплавать и покачаться на её волнах нежного музыкального сопровождения. Тёплый ветер возвышается над зелёными холмами, а значит скоро непременно наступит время перемен.”

“Your Everything” recalls the haunting soul and melodic precision of Neko Case, First Aid Kit, and Laura Marling. Voice first Americana is a rarity in these times of overblown string instruments and Silver Lining lives up to its name of spectral harmonics.

“It’s a song about all the insecurities one can face when first falling in love with someone, maybe creating problems that aren’t there, imagining what their life was like before you met them. It’s kind of a lonely moment we’ve tried to portray, how difficult it is to share these insecure thoughts and feelings with others. It soon became a favorite with both Stine and me, as well as the rest of the band, and we’ve played this live quite a few times before recording it” says Solberg.

Reviewed by Nagamag on March 30, 2022