st.James – Liars

-Automatic Translation with Google Translate-
Initially a calm track, in which an emotional explosion is closer to the middle! Moderate, but expressive bits, beautiful effects and a memorable chorus and a verse. The melody remains consciousness forever, constantly accompanying you everywhere and everywhere.”

“Изначально спокойный трек, в котором ближе к середине происходит эмоциональный взрыв! Умеренный, но выразительный бит, красивые эффекты и запоминающийся припев и куплет. Мелодия остаётся в сознание навсегда, постоянно сопровождая вас везде и всюду.”

The featured track from the Netflix reality soap Byron Baes

Liars come from within the chaos of “reality”.

Intentionally stepping into the spotlight has highlighted my own hypocrisy and shortcomings, that I've had to publicly face.

I am in a place where my own reality and at times fate moves through the hands of others.

Liars was written in a place of overwhelming isolation and uncertainty about decisions, but also an opportunity to hold onto some of my own narrative.

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 7, 2022