Tziona Achishena – Sing Like The Birds

“From the very beginning there is a certain intriguing atmosphere. Incredible interweaving of living, ethnic tools and crystal, angelic vocals -tziona Achishena-. It turned out beautiful and melodious. This journey and immersion in other worlds. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“С самого начала чувствуется некая интригующая атмосфера. Невероятное переплетение живых, этнических инструментов и кристальный, ангельский вокал -Tziona Achishena-. Получилось красиво и мелодично. Настоящее путешествие и погружение в иные миры.”

Artist said about this song:

"This song is a lush and soothing soundscape highlighting the spiritual power of women’s voices, including that of my 15 year old daughter, with soul-nurturing vocal harmonies. With a gentleness at the heart of the melody, this song provides a surrounding experience in tune with the music of the natural world, expressing a basic human desire to be a harmonious part of the ecosystem of our planet. "

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 19, 2022