VOGT – See You Down The Road

“What is especially noteworthy is this folk composition, it is its positive dynamics, which, as if a stream of air pushes you forward, to the movement. The voice of -vogt is very soft and very gentle, listen to it like drinking clean water from a holy source.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Чем в особенности примечателен этот Folk композиция, это её позитивная динамика, которая словно потоком воздуха толкает тебя вперёд, к движению. Голос у -VOGT- очень мягкий и очень нежный, слушать его это как пить чистую воду из святого источника.”


Artist said about this song:

"See You Down The Road is a song I wrote and produced when I suddenly realised the responsibilities and the work you have to go through when growing up. I, as well as millions other, have always dreamt of becoming an artist, and I felt like my debut single should capture that. The essens of the song is realistically about me hoping that the future will be great, and me missing when I was just a child enjoying the presence."

Reviewed by Nagamag on July 14, 2022