XATIVA – Here With Me

“Singing -xativa- can be compared with a lone fairy in a snowy forest. You hear her voice and watch, as underfoot, carpets of flowers appear through the thickness of snow. A very beautiful work, a real journey to the fantasy world.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Пение -XATIVA- можно сравнить с одинокой феей в заснеженному лесу. Ты слышишь её голос и наблюдаешь, как под ногами, сквозь толщу снега проступают ковры из цветов. Очень красивое произведение, настоящее путешествие в фентезийный мир.”


Here With Me is the second song from XATIVA’s upcoming EP ‘Fly Away’. Whilst the rest of the project is coloured by a fairly overt sense of sadness, this song offers a certain lightness and sense of calm, however momentary, to the EP. In the song, XATIVA considers how when we miss someone, we might take courage in the reassurance that although they might not be physically near, the idea of them remains always close.


Reviewed by Nagamag on July 20, 2022