BrandosLife – Mistakes

“A pleasant intro, very soulful vocals -brandoslife-, a melodic transition to the second part of the track and pacifying Outro with a light, background percussion. In general, in front of you is a great example of a high -quality Indie R&B, which is endowed with an important quality - a warm sound. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Приятное intro, очень проникновенный вокал -BrandosLife-, мелодичный переход ко второй части трека и умиротворяющее outro с лёгкой, фоновой перкуссией. В целом перед вами прекрасный пример качественного Indie R&B, который наделён важным качеством — тёплым звучанием.”

“Being manipulated, gaslit and led on had me feeling some type of way. 'Mistakes' is about taking your power back when you put someone who you thought was special on a pedestal but they simply do nothing but consistently disappoint. I mean they do say crushes are nothing but a lack of information…”

This release is a mid-tempo Afropop record inspired by ‘Lion King: The Gift’ by Beyoncé an album that celebrates the music of Africa. It’s a fun light-hearted record that will be released on the 6th May 2022 in time for the slow transition from Spring to Summer! It’s been purposefully arranged with the intention of getting listeners dancing and vibing whether it be from the groovy beat or the overdramatic pop lyricism.

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 16, 2022