Luminem – Back Home (Spotify)

“Frienly piano melodies just arrived from Luminem. The ideal choice to calm you down from the daily rush. Surely effective and one of the best for all the (Neo)classical fans.”

Luminem’s first release Back Home captures the feeling of returning to Melbourne after living in London, and being back in her family home. After adventuring overseas there’s a bittersweet appreciation after returning and seeing familiar things in a new light.

Emotive piano with subtle pauses, Back Home flows naturally with expressive tempo and dynamics.

A tender and nostalgic piece, the final chord hangs in your head, and leaves you wanting more.

Back Home is the title track from Luminem's debut EP set to release early 2021.

Luminem plays from the heart to bring more light, love and harmony into the world.

Inspired by composers like Erik Satie and Ludovico Einaudi, Luminem creates soundscapes to evoke feeling and reflection in the listener.

Emotive piano, with occasional accompaniment, combines gently undulating tempo and elements of space. Music that creates a background ambience or reveals intricacies on closer listening. Fragments of Luminem melodies often linger in the mind.

Reviewed by Nagamag on January 13, 2021