Michael Dunstan – Becoming Nobody

“The melody of the acoustic guitar, soft, background rhythm and pleasant voice -michael dunsstan-. This is enough to convey the whole range of feelings, mood and talent of the author. Very good Folk music for very good people.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Мелодия акустической гитары, мягкий, фоновый ритм и приятный голос -Michael Dunstan-. Этого достаточно, что передать весь спектр чувств, настроение и талант автора. Очень хорошая Folk музыка, для очень хороших людей.”


A gentle nylon acoustic moment, suggesting that content lays in being comfortable with becoming nobody, rather than endlessly aspiring to become somebody. 'When we realise our insignificance, we become significant. No longer thinking for one's self, we think for one, for one another".


Reviewed by Nagamag on July 15, 2022