Nanuk – Waterlily

“The track in which there is a place for beautiful male vocals, such an elegant, sensual and peaceful. The ringtone of acoustic folka slowly overtakes on all sides, covers you with its blanket, burning fire and lights stars on the black, heavenly canvas. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Трек, в котором есть место красивому мужскому вокалу, такому элегантному, чувственному и умиротворяющему. Мелодия акустического фолка медленно обступает со всех сторон, накрывает вас своим одеялом, разжигает огонь и зажигает звёзды на чёрном, небесном полотне.”

Time is just moments, those little moments create timeless memories. It can be the smallest of things, from a song you hear or place you’ve been . They immediately take you back to a moment in time of your life. This song is all about those moments

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 14, 2022