Mario Verandi – Small Wings Behind (Video)

“Mario Verandi composed a truly rich in harmonies story. Notes gently shimmer in the air, as if the raindrops play on the railing of a balcony. Yet somewhere far away, where clouds on sky are travelling quick you listen a lighting. ”

“Mario Verandi создал поистине пространственную музыку. Ноты мягко переливаются в воздухе, будто капли дождя играют на перилах веранды. И где то вдали, там где плывут по небу тучи слышится легкая тревога.”

This track features delicate impressionistic piano melodies that flow over distinct electronic/ambient textures.

Mario Verandi is an Argentinean-born composer, performer and sound artist living in Berlin. With a career spanning more than 20 years, Mario Verandis works are wide-ranging and include electro-acoustic compositions, sound installations, music for dance and radio as well as collaborations with several musicians and artists. He has performed in several prestigious European festivals including Märzmusik (Berlin), Multiphonies GRM (Paris) and Donaueschinger Musiktage. His works have been awarded in the Prix Ars Electronica Awards (Linz), European Bell Days Composition Prize (ZKM, Karlsruhe), Bourges Electroacoustic Music Competition (France), Stockholm Electronic Art Awards (Sweden), Musica Nova (Prague), CIEJ Electronic Music Awards (Barcelona) and is included in the Essex Collection of Latin American Art. His most recent ambient/electronic music project culminated with the release “Remansum”. The album features musicians Sebastian Selke (Ceeys) and Dina Bolshakova, both active in ambient and classic music genres. Mario Verandi´s music has been released by labels such as TimeReleasedSound (USA), EMF Media (New York) and Edition RZ (Berlin) and appear also on several compilation records.

About photo/video:
Copyright 2020© Corinna Rosteck, Urheber-Nummer bei VG Bild-Kunst 759746
Camera and Editing: Corinna Rosteck
Dance: Iris de Boor
Music/Composition: Mario Verandi

Reviewed by Nagamag on November 11, 2020