Tristan Jantz – Scene Of The Crime (Spotify)

“The music that helps look into the eyes of despair and see hope and love in their reflection. Light and very emotional Indie Pop sound, as if dictating to a wanderer follow his heart, which will always indicate the right path.”

“Музыка, которая помогает взглянуть в глаза отчаянию и разглядеть в их отражении надежду и любовь. Лёгкий и очень эмоциональный indie pop, словно диктующий заплутавшему страннику следовать за своим сердцем, которое всегда укажет верный путь.”

An accidental return to a romantic place transports the singer back to a perfect date with a lost love. The town is eerily unchanged, except the streets seem a shoulder width wider than before without a partner by their side.

The album art is a recreation of a photo taken in Rockport, MA during Tristan's soul-searching sunrise photography adventures to cope with the end of a 5 year romance in the height of a pandemic.

Reviewed by Nagamag on January 24, 2022